Sample Speaking Topics & Courses Taught
I work with event organizers to design topics for individual speaking engagements. Below are some sample topics from past engagements, organized by category and a list of subjects I have taught. Please contact me for more information on topics and programs.
Jewish History & Jewish Education
Everything You Never Learned about the History of Bais Yaakov
Shidduchim, Shandas and Shaping the Future
The Shidduch Crises Then & Now
Before Dear Abby There Was Dear Abraham: Solving the Problems of the Jewish Immigrant Generation
"A Time for Modesty, A Time for Action": Sarah Schenirer, Bais Yaakov, and the Establishment of Jewish Education for Women
Tradition and Innovative Change: Sarah Schenirer’s Life and Legacy
A Pesach Seder in the Civil War: Celebrating Jewish Freedom on the Battlefield
Controversies and Continuity: Adventures in Colonial American Jewish Life
“Understand Your Lofty Calling”: Sarah Schenirer as a Model for Women’s Leadership Today
The Bais Yaakov Movement at 100: The Myths and the Facts
The Recife 23: Founding the First Jewish Community in America
Learning History Through Portraits – A Study of Colonial Jewish Women
Raising Expectations and Lowering Hemlines: The Revolutionary Shift in American Girls' Education
Links in a Chain: American Bais Yaakov Schools and the Mesorah (Legacy) of Sarah Schenirer
“Steadfast in her religion and loyal to American ideals": Making Orthodox Day School Education American
Outside Ideologies in an Insular Community: Gender Expectations and Orthodox Girls’ Schooling in the Post War Era
Learning from Our Past, Building Our Future: How Jewish history teaches us to create a positive, healthy community for tomorrow
Educated, but Not College Educated: The Orthodox Jewish Community and Higher Education for Women in Postwar America
Good Bais Yaakov Girls: The Culture of Orthodox Girls in America
Becoming Orthodox Women: Rites of Passage in the Orthodox Community
Defining and Defending American Orthodox Girlhood in the Postwar America
Little Shul on the Prairie: The Untold Story of the Jewish Homesteaders
Not Another Modest Proposal: Rethinking How We Talk About and Teach about Tznius
Jewish Holidays
Not a Chance: The Battle between Yisrael and Amalek, Then and Now
The Latke vs. the Hamentashen: The Meaning of Chanukah in Israel & in the Diaspora
Spiritual Adrenaline: The Supernatural Powers of Pesach
A Pesach Seder in the Civil War: Celebrating Jewish Freedom on the Battlefield
Tapping into the Secret Powers of Teshuva
Jewish Perspectives on Leadership
Standing Up with Strength: Learning Courage and Integrity from the Leaders of Tanach
Finding Your Voice: The Courageous, Respectful and Effective Leadership of Bnot Tzelafchad
“Understand Your Lofty Calling”: Sarah Schenirer as a Model for Women’s Leadership Today
Life and Leadership Lessons from the Smart Women of Tanach
Fighting the Good Fight: Preventing and Resolving Conflicts in Personal & Professional Life
What Makes a Great Leader? How the Leaders of Tanach and Jewish History Can Teach us to be Better Leaders Today
Wrestling, Negotiating and Communicating: Biblical Models of Leadership for the 21st Century
Tanach & Jewish Studies
Keeping Calm & Carrying On: Wise Women and the Quest for Peace in the Days of Dovid HaMelech
Standing Up with Strength: Learning Courage and Integrity from the Leaders of Tanach
Faith and Power in the Story of Yitziat Mizrayim
Life and Leadership Lessons from the Smart Women of Tanach
What's with All the Arguing? A Jewish Guide to Resolving Conflict​
Refresher Course in the Study of Rashi
Fighting the Good Fight and Keeping the Peace: Life Lessons from Women in Tanach
Communication & Presentation
Reconnecting and Reinventing: Creating Cures for Zoom Fatigue
Rule #1- Don't Be Boring: Essential Tips for Effective Public Speaking
Building Strong Communications and Presentation Skills
Noble Disputes: Preventing & Resolving Conflict in Your Team
Courses Taught
American Jewish History
Ancient and Medieval Jewish History
Fundamentals of Communication
The History of Palestine and Modern Israel
The Jewish Immigrant Experience in America
Jewish Women in American Social Movements
Modern Jewish History: 1492-Present
Modern United States History: 1941-Present
Smart Women & Social Change: Leadership Lesson from the Women of Jewish History
Teaching Historical and Cultural Studies in General and Special Education
Textual Analysis Pentateuch: Breisheit I and II
Trees, Intrigues, Matzah & Mysteries: The Holiday in Jewish Thought
Twentieth Century United States History
Western Civilization
Women in Jewish History and Culture